PEECO’s Catenary Control Systems are co-designed and developed for the rail industry by Philadelphia Electrical Equipment Company. Typically, the rail industries has operated off of outdated control systems for a long time. PEECO works closely with the customer to ensure they receive a modern and updated Protection and Control System. Designed to work with PEECO’s Railway Traction Breakers and other manufactured Railway Traction Breakers, the Catenary Control Panels provide extensive protection against faults on the Rail Lines as well as Distance to Fault protection to narrow down the fault location and negate downtime and troubleshooting repairs.
Catenary Control Systems are designed for all rail industry needs:
All components rated for use of 25Hz frequency systems
Remote control operation of Railway Traction Breakers
Remote monitoring and protection of Railway Traction Breakers
Detailed mimic-bus color-matched for different rail line voltages
Catenary Control Panels available in following configurations:
Enclosure NEMA Ratings: 1, 3R, 4 & 4X Stainless Steel
Freestanding single door or double door control panel design
Various custom sizes to meet all height, width & depth constraints